In August 2021, Kean University teamed up with the New York Jets to create both academic and career opportunities for Kean students, becoming an Official Partner of the NFL team

Kean University and The New York Jets - Partners in Education

April 26, 2022

Kean University is an official education partner of the New York Jets. In April, President Repollet had the opportunity to travel to MetLife Stadium with Karen Smith, Vice President of University Relations at Kean University, and Bill Miller, CEO of the Kean University Foundation, to watch Kean students participating in the inaugural Jets course present their final proposals to team executives. These marketing, management, graphic design, and communication students spent the semester working on projects to help the team build fandom among a younger demographic. Everyone was blown away by the students’ research, creative ideas and presentation skills.

We want to thank Denise Anderson of Michael Graves College, Dr. Shweta Singh of the College of Business and Public Management and Suzanne Schwab of the College of Liberal Arts for co-teaching this first Jets class and preparing Kean students so well for this “real world” educational experience.
