Create A Lasting Legacy at Kean University

September 20, 2022

piggy bank

“Leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that cannot be erased.” - Maya Angelou

You can create a lasting legacy at Kean University that benefits future generations of Cougars!

How? Plan a legacy gift through your Will or by naming the “Kean University Foundation” as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or insurance policy.

Why? These gifts:

  • Are easy to arrange;
  • Will not alter your current lifestyle in any way;
  • Can easily be modified to address your changing needs;
  • May reduce estate taxes; and,
  • Provide the reward of knowing that your generosity will make an impact in advancing Kean's mission.

To learn more, contact Eileen M. Cotter, Philanthropy Officer, at or via phone at (908) 316-8924.
