History Department

If you enjoyed your time as a student at Kean, want to help current students, attended one of the History Department’s public lectures, or just have a passion for history, then perhaps you may want to consider a charitable donation to the Kean University Department of History.

Your support can have a significant impact by helping fund guest speakers, special projects, purchasing special equipment and books for the department, student and faculty travel and research.   Donations can also be designated for:

  • Guest lectures
  • Student travel to conferences and research facilities
  • Departmental initiatives
  • Training the finest history and social studies teachers in the region
  • Faculty development
  • Promoting the department’s mission and goals

You can also support existing scholarships and awards—such as the Dr. Martin Siegel Prize for student writing and research.

Any size donation is welcome and greatly appreciated. Donations over $50.00 will receive a stylish Department of History t-shirt as a gift.

Start donating now, it’s easy!  Click the donation button to make your donations which will go through the Kean University Foundation.

Please Donate 
